Yup! You know me, any reason for a party! And here's a good one....
I think if you're one of those people who love (or not) to trudge out into the cold and fight the crowds for BLACK FRIDAY shopping, I say, let's make a party out of it!
Since most stores will stay open late, or open before the crack of dawn, it's a super-fun opportunity to get the usual band of girlfriends together, and host a fabulous dinner (or breakfast) party! Everyone knows that shopping alone is no fun, so let's make Black Friday shopping something to look forward to.
Start off with printed invitations that include the your menu, and throw in a few store coupons that you can use during your shopping trip. (Be sure to include a dress code that includes flat, comfortable shoes!)
And don't forget the party favors.... a Black Friday swag-bag complete with a bottle of water, fruit snacks or a granola bar, to keep you hydrated and give you shopping energy. Add something cute... like a funky, inexpensive watch to coordinate meeting times with your troops! And don't forget to include a mini shopping list note pad, a coupon organizer, and funky pen, too. Also be sure to print up an itinerary and shopping route or map, to plan your strategy during dinner (or breakfast)!
Once you plan your route, hit the stores, and check off everything on your list.... go home and take a nap!
And it could be the start of a new holiday tradition! Ready, set, GO!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
I don't know about you, but this sure has been a loooooooong week! I think we need to be glad that we finally made it to Friday and start enjoying the weekend!
And what a better way to enjoy the weekend, than to have a little get together with a few of your favorite ghouls?! You all know I love to host spooktacular dinner parties, and macabre movie nights.... so how about something different? Let's try a Frightful Family Game Night!
Think easy snacks like Yummy Mummy Wraps and some cheesy Goblin Grub to munch on. Remember, the easier, the better!
Let's start off with getting out the old board games..... Clue is a must, Scary Scrabble, (the same but only with Halloween theme words) and even a kid-friendly fortune telling card game is always good for a few shrieks and howls!
And if it's a rainy, chilly night in your neck of the woods..... turn off all the lights and an inside game of Flashlight Tag is a blast! This was a slumber-party-must when I was a kid! But if not.... and you and the kiddos want to venture out into the darkness... I say wrap up the evening with a few rounds of "Ghost in the Graveyard!"
What???? You don't remember how to play Ghost in the Graveyard???? Well, here are a few easy instructions:
And what a better way to enjoy the weekend, than to have a little get together with a few of your favorite ghouls?! You all know I love to host spooktacular dinner parties, and macabre movie nights.... so how about something different? Let's try a Frightful Family Game Night!
Think easy snacks like Yummy Mummy Wraps and some cheesy Goblin Grub to munch on. Remember, the easier, the better!
Let's start off with getting out the old board games..... Clue is a must, Scary Scrabble, (the same but only with Halloween theme words) and even a kid-friendly fortune telling card game is always good for a few shrieks and howls!
And if it's a rainy, chilly night in your neck of the woods..... turn off all the lights and an inside game of Flashlight Tag is a blast! This was a slumber-party-must when I was a kid! But if not.... and you and the kiddos want to venture out into the darkness... I say wrap up the evening with a few rounds of "Ghost in the Graveyard!"
What???? You don't remember how to play Ghost in the Graveyard???? Well, here are a few easy instructions:
- Designate one house's yard or another area in the neighborhood for the playing field. You will need a home base on which everyone can stand or all touch at the same time such as a large tree, front stoop, or back patio.
- Choose one person to be the "ghost". You can do this any way you like: picking a number, rock, paper, scissors, etc....
- Have everyone but the ghost stand at the home base while the ghost runs off to hide somewhere outside.
- Chant slowly as a group, "One o'clock... two o'clock... three o'clock..." and so on, up to twelve o'clock. Then shout, "Midnight! I hope I don't see the ghost tonight!"
- Leave the home base and search for the ghost in the yard. The ghost's job is to jump out, surprise, and tag a player. When anyone encounters the ghost they should yell, "Ghost in the graveyard!" and try to run away. When the ghost catches someone, the new person becomes the only ghost. This makes it less scary for young ones, who don't like to venture very far away from the home base.
- Have all the people who were caught go and hide with (or close to) the original ghost. The people on the home base start again with the chant, "One o'clock... two o'clock..."
- Continue the game like this until everyone is caught. The last person caught becomes the ghost for the next round.
And then back inside for a warm mug of hot chocolate with monster marshmallows! And for more spooky-fun recipes, check out some of my Devilish Delights!
Happy Friday to all my Ghoul-friends!
Monday, November 5, 2012
You gotta looooove the folks at Duncan Hines.... they always come up with the best (and cutest!) cupcake recipes! You know, even though Halloween has come and gone, you can still scare up something fun for your little monsters.
Check out these owl cupcakes, how cute for a slumber party or boy scout meeting.... and soooo easy to make:
•12 Duncan Hines Moist Deluxe Devil's Food cupcakes baked in brown paper liners
•24 mini Duncan Hines Moist Deluxe Devil's Food cupcakes baked in brown paper liners
•24 cream filled chocolate sandwich cookies (Oreos)
•48 mini cream filled chocolate sandwich cookies (Mini Oreos)
•2 cans (16 ounces) Duncan Hines Creamy Home-Style Classic Chocolate frosting
•2 tablespoons Duncan Hines Creamy Home-Style Classic Vanilla frosting
•12 small banana shaped hard candies (Runts)
•24 yellow candy coated chocolate covered sunflower seeds
•24 mini chocolate covered mints (Junior Mints)
•48 brown mini candy coated chocolates (M&M's Minis)
1.Split the sandwich cookies, regular and mini, in half crosswise, keeping the cream side hole (microwaving a few cookies at a time for several seconds helps to keep the cream side solid). Use a paring knife to remove any excess crumbs from cream filling.
2.To form the ears make 2 parallel cuts with a serrated knife in the large plain chocolate cookies 1/2 inch from each rounded side, discarding the 1/2 inch strip that remains from the center of the cookie. Cut the mini plain cookie in half.
3.Spoon 1 1/2 cups of the chocolate frosting and the 2 tablespoons of the vanilla frosting into separate ziplock bags; set aside. Spread the remaining chocolate frosting on top of the standard and mini cupcakes and smooth.
4.To make the ears, attach the large cut cookies on top of the 12 standard cupcakes with some of the chocolate frosting, round side facing each other, at an angle, about 1 1/2 inches apart and hanging over edge of cupcake about 3/4 inch. Repeat process with the mini cut cookies and mini cupcakes, with a 1/2 inch overhang.
5.Place the large cream sided cookies, cream side up, on the upper half of the large cupcakes. Do the same for the mini cupcakes with the mini cookies
6.Snip a small corner (1/8 inch) from the bag with the chocolate and vanilla frostings. Pipe the chocolate frosting in vertical lines over the cookie ears to cover. Starting at the outer edge of cupcake pipe the feathers with the chocolate frosting around top of cupcake and under the eyes.
7.Press the yellow candies in between the cookie eyes as the beak. Attach the chocolate covered mints on top of the cookies with some of the vanilla frosting on the larger cupcakes and the mini brown candies for the smaller cupcakes. Position the eyes in different directions to give the owls character. Pipe a white highlight on the eyes.
To find more sweet creations, check out Duncan Hines.com!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Well.... we've got another successful Halloween under our belts, and it's time to relax! I hope that everyone is still basking in the glow of spooky cobwebs, parties, tricks, and treats.
Now, if you're like me and you bought too much candy, first thing you need to do, is take it all and separate it (just the mini chocolate stuff like peanutbutter cups, Snickers, KitKats, etc.) into little Ziploc bags, and flatten them out, and store in the freezer. Trust me on this.....
You'll thank me, when it's a cold, stormy night, and you wake-up around the witching hour, and your sweet tooth is calling. Just go to your little stash and take out a piece (just one!) and it'll work like magic!
That's your "Tip of the Day", now take today to enjoy what you've accomplished. Just look around.... you did a great job, and everyone was in awe of what an amazing Halloween Hostess you are! Congrats!
Now, if you're like me and you bought too much candy, first thing you need to do, is take it all and separate it (just the mini chocolate stuff like peanutbutter cups, Snickers, KitKats, etc.) into little Ziploc bags, and flatten them out, and store in the freezer. Trust me on this.....
You'll thank me, when it's a cold, stormy night, and you wake-up around the witching hour, and your sweet tooth is calling. Just go to your little stash and take out a piece (just one!) and it'll work like magic!
That's your "Tip of the Day", now take today to enjoy what you've accomplished. Just look around.... you did a great job, and everyone was in awe of what an amazing Halloween Hostess you are! Congrats!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Oh Happy Day!!! The happiest day of the year is finally here!! I hope today is the best Halloween ever, for all my Halloweenies!
Now remember, faithful followers.... I know you're busy flying around trying to get the last of the cobwebs in place, cleaning the dungeon while the cauldrons are simmering, and putting the finishing touches on the devilishly good
boo-fet.... but I don't want you to forget why we do all this.... to have fun!
So I'm putting one of my magic spells on you, to have a fabulous, fun, and festive Halloween! No need to fret, I'm sure what you've done is perfect...and if it's not.... you're the only one who knows! So enjoy!
Be sure to send me any pics that you may want to share, and have a very safe and Happy Halloween!
And remember.... only 365 more days until we have to be ready for next year!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Today is the busiest day around the Manor, and I'm sure it is for you too! So here's a few pre-party checklists to help you breeze through your day. Hop on the old broomstick and let's get going....
Food and Drink
Candy and loot bags.
Set out glass jars loaded with different types of candies and mini scoops, and let guests fill their own goodie bags to take home. Go to candywarehouse.com to stock up on a variety of treats, from gross gummy body parts (feet, ears, and eyeballs) to classics like Pixy Stix and Bazooka.
Punch bowl.
No Halloween party would be complete without a spooky punch. Serve one that’s blood-red, ghoulish green, putrid purple, orange, or black and use dry ice to create an eerie mist.
Napkins, plates, utensils, and tablecloths.
Keep a stash of these essentials in colors and patterns that match your scheme. A festive covering will make your everyday tables party-ready in an instant. PartyCity.com has a wide selection of Halloween-themed goods, along with supplies in basic colors.
Serving dishes.
Count your platters beforehand to make sure you have enough space for all your party treats. Make a list or label each dish with a Post-it note or masking tape to keep track of which food goes with which platter.
Beverages and cups.
If you’re serving alcoholic drinks, plan on three to four cocktails per guest for a two- to three-hour party. And don’t forget to include something alcohol-free and fun for the teetotalers and kids in your group. Make sure to have heatproof cups on hand if you’re serving anything hot, like mulled cider.
Serve plenty of savory items to balance out all that Halloween sugar. For less stress, make as many items ahead of time as you can.
Cupcakes and cookies are easy for guests to eat and fun to decorate for Halloween (for example: cookies shaped like ghosts and cats and cupcakes topped with orange frosting or mini pumpkin candies). For even more holiday spirit, make pumpkin cupcakes and decorate them with candy corn. Or try using Halloween candy in creative ways: Serve a Twix cheesecake pie or make chocolate bark decorated with candy corn.
Setting the Scene
Carved jack-o’-lanterns.
Greet guests with a lineup of these lighted hosts on your stoop or porch.
Pumpkins and decorative gourds.
Display these in clusters around your home. Try different ways of dressing up your pumpkins—spray them with metallic paint for a golden glow or use chalkboard paint to make faces or write messages (a great project for the kids).
Fake cobwebs and spiders, paper bats, balloons, and other decorations.
Hang cobwebs and spiders in the corners of your room, let bats and banners dangle from the ceiling, and go all-out with festive or frightening décor to create the right atmosphere. Shop for supplies from OrientalTrading.com, which has a wide selection of creepy goods—bags of bones, ghosts, and tombstones. Halloween is one holiday when it’s OK to be over-the-top.
Scatter lots of votives throughout your party and group pillars of varying heights and sizes together. Display a candelabra for dramatic flair.
Spooky music.
Put together a playful playlist of favorite songs, such as The Doors’ “People Are Strange” and Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” or invest in a soundtrack of creepy sound effects. Try Martha Stewart Living’s Spooky Scary Sounds (which includes knives being sharpened, thumping heartbeats, and howling winds) or Halloween Horrorscapes, which features tracks titled “Blood Hunt” and “Alone at the Cabin” (including thunder, screams, snarling monsters, and chainsaws–definitely not for the faint of heart).
Halloween movies.
Play classic horror films in the background (on mute if you don’t want the sound to be distracting) to get guests in the mood, such as Friday the 13th, The Exorcist, or, naturally, Halloween. For less frightening movies that still set the tone, try The Addams Family, Beetlejuice, or—the best feel-good Halloween flick ever—It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
Costume accessories.
Whether you’re hosting a costume party or not, it’s always fun to have some extra dress-up items around. Set out some masks and wigs, plastic fangs, hats, a cape, a tiara, a feather boa—whatever suits your fancy—and let your guests get creative.
Don’t forget to recharge your batteries and clear space on your memory card before your Halloween bash. Designate a friend or family member as the party photographer so you’ll have one less thing to worry about.
HAVE FUN..... you did a BOO-TIFUL JOB! Enjoy!
And for more great, last minute ideas check out Real Simple!
Food and Drink
Candy and loot bags.
Set out glass jars loaded with different types of candies and mini scoops, and let guests fill their own goodie bags to take home. Go to candywarehouse.com to stock up on a variety of treats, from gross gummy body parts (feet, ears, and eyeballs) to classics like Pixy Stix and Bazooka.
Punch bowl.
No Halloween party would be complete without a spooky punch. Serve one that’s blood-red, ghoulish green, putrid purple, orange, or black and use dry ice to create an eerie mist.
Napkins, plates, utensils, and tablecloths.
Keep a stash of these essentials in colors and patterns that match your scheme. A festive covering will make your everyday tables party-ready in an instant. PartyCity.com has a wide selection of Halloween-themed goods, along with supplies in basic colors.
Serving dishes.
Count your platters beforehand to make sure you have enough space for all your party treats. Make a list or label each dish with a Post-it note or masking tape to keep track of which food goes with which platter.
Beverages and cups.
If you’re serving alcoholic drinks, plan on three to four cocktails per guest for a two- to three-hour party. And don’t forget to include something alcohol-free and fun for the teetotalers and kids in your group. Make sure to have heatproof cups on hand if you’re serving anything hot, like mulled cider.
Serve plenty of savory items to balance out all that Halloween sugar. For less stress, make as many items ahead of time as you can.
Cupcakes and cookies are easy for guests to eat and fun to decorate for Halloween (for example: cookies shaped like ghosts and cats and cupcakes topped with orange frosting or mini pumpkin candies). For even more holiday spirit, make pumpkin cupcakes and decorate them with candy corn. Or try using Halloween candy in creative ways: Serve a Twix cheesecake pie or make chocolate bark decorated with candy corn.
Setting the Scene
Carved jack-o’-lanterns.
Greet guests with a lineup of these lighted hosts on your stoop or porch.
Pumpkins and decorative gourds.
Display these in clusters around your home. Try different ways of dressing up your pumpkins—spray them with metallic paint for a golden glow or use chalkboard paint to make faces or write messages (a great project for the kids).
Fake cobwebs and spiders, paper bats, balloons, and other decorations.
Hang cobwebs and spiders in the corners of your room, let bats and banners dangle from the ceiling, and go all-out with festive or frightening décor to create the right atmosphere. Shop for supplies from OrientalTrading.com, which has a wide selection of creepy goods—bags of bones, ghosts, and tombstones. Halloween is one holiday when it’s OK to be over-the-top.
Scatter lots of votives throughout your party and group pillars of varying heights and sizes together. Display a candelabra for dramatic flair.
Spooky music.
Put together a playful playlist of favorite songs, such as The Doors’ “People Are Strange” and Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” or invest in a soundtrack of creepy sound effects. Try Martha Stewart Living’s Spooky Scary Sounds (which includes knives being sharpened, thumping heartbeats, and howling winds) or Halloween Horrorscapes, which features tracks titled “Blood Hunt” and “Alone at the Cabin” (including thunder, screams, snarling monsters, and chainsaws–definitely not for the faint of heart).
Halloween movies.
Play classic horror films in the background (on mute if you don’t want the sound to be distracting) to get guests in the mood, such as Friday the 13th, The Exorcist, or, naturally, Halloween. For less frightening movies that still set the tone, try The Addams Family, Beetlejuice, or—the best feel-good Halloween flick ever—It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
Costume accessories.
Whether you’re hosting a costume party or not, it’s always fun to have some extra dress-up items around. Set out some masks and wigs, plastic fangs, hats, a cape, a tiara, a feather boa—whatever suits your fancy—and let your guests get creative.
Don’t forget to recharge your batteries and clear space on your memory card before your Halloween bash. Designate a friend or family member as the party photographer so you’ll have one less thing to worry about.
HAVE FUN..... you did a BOO-TIFUL JOB! Enjoy!
And for more great, last minute ideas check out Real Simple!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Check out this idea to add something special to your guests creepy cocktails! This is a great idea from Fahrenheit 350 and I wish I would have thought of it!
Just freeze plastic spiders into ice cub trays (use juice or water) and serve 'em up when you mix those drinks. Just remember, if you're gonna use these for the little monsters, make sure to supervise, it may not be appropriate for wee little ones.... it could be a possible choking hazard!
Why not go all out, and add a bunch of these little buggers to the party punch bowl, and I promise, it'll be a hit!
For more great party planning ideas check out Fahrenheit 350!
Just freeze plastic spiders into ice cub trays (use juice or water) and serve 'em up when you mix those drinks. Just remember, if you're gonna use these for the little monsters, make sure to supervise, it may not be appropriate for wee little ones.... it could be a possible choking hazard!
Why not go all out, and add a bunch of these little buggers to the party punch bowl, and I promise, it'll be a hit!
For more great party planning ideas check out Fahrenheit 350!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Only 7 days until the big day.... were has the time gone? And most of you Halloweenies have already outfitted the whole family with their fabulous Halloween costumes.... but not forYOU!
And if you're a thrifty one, you don't want to waste your time and money spending 30 bucks (or more!) on a costume you're going to just wear ONCE this year!
Instead, why not create your own Halloween costume, and if you're not a professional seamstress..... simply use what you have! Basic black is a Halloween must, and I know you've got that little black dress hanging in your closet. Check out these great,crafty ideas from POLYVORE to get inspired!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Ok fellow Halloweenies.....We are really getting down to the wire, now! Bats need to be hung and cauldrons need to be polished, and don't forget more crafty projects!!!
We all know that the little monsters will need to have something light their way on trick or treat night, so why not a band of ghostly, glowing garland! This is a pretty easy project, and the results are just boo-tiful!
For step-by-step instructions from Design, Dining & Diapers, click here!
Monday, October 15, 2012
The Halloween countdown is on.... and there's so much to do over the next 15 days! So let's talk spooky props....
We all know that setting the scene is what really makes for a boo-tiful Halloween! And to do that you need props.... and we all know that if you jump on the old broomstick and fly off to one of those "Halloween Specialty" stores, you're gonna pay a severed arm and a leg for some cool props.
We all know that setting the scene is what really makes for a boo-tiful Halloween! And to do that you need props.... and we all know that if you jump on the old broomstick and fly off to one of those "Halloween Specialty" stores, you're gonna pay a severed arm and a leg for some cool props.
Well, with a little creativity, a few supplies and some tips from DIY, you can make some pretty cool props yourself, and save the arm and the leg for the withes stew.....
Check out this tombstone project.... it will take about half a day (depending on how many you make) and should run under $50. For the complete DIY directions, click here!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
One of the fun things that I love...... is to make something on my Halloween menu that's unexpected and that may even get a laugh or two.
But you don't have to be an expert chef or even an artist to let your creativity come through. Remember something that you've heard me preach many time.....keep it simple!
Like these cute little pepper spooky faces.... even if you've only ever carved pumpkins (and I know you have!) this will be a breeze!
Just slice the tops off carefully, then hollow out the peppers and give 'em a good rinse. Then take your paring knife and make a standard jack o lantern face. Simple.
Then once they look they way you want.... then just fill 'em up! You can fill them with dip (they look pretty cute when it's oozing out..) or use them to fill with individual pasta or potato salad!
I think any little goblins would love to be served their mac and cheese in these little spooks! And yes, we do encourage the little monsters to play with their food!
Monday, October 8, 2012
We all know that when it comes to decorating for Halloween, you really need to set the scene, and it all starts at the front door! So why not lure visitors with a spiderweb doormat? Now of course you can buy one, but come on all you crafty ones....it's soooooo easy to make! And you'll love telling your guests who ask where you got it.... that you made it!
Now I've scoured the (cob)web and here is the best way to do this:
Step 1: Purchase an indoor/outdoor needle-punch carpet ($3.70 for one square yard; Caldwell Carpet, 800-772-7090). To turn it into a circle: Mark the rug's center point with a Prismacolor white-colored pencil (88 cents; dickblick.com). Measure and mark the distance from that point to a spot about half an inch from the rug's edge. Cut a piece of string to that length. Tie one end of the string to the pencil and secure the other end of the string to the rug's center point with a tack. Pull the string taut and draw a large circle onto the rug; remove the string. Cut out the circle, just inside the white pencil mark, with sharp scissors.
Step 2: Using a yardstick, evenly space and draw eight intersecting lines that cross the rug from edge to edge. Between those lines, draw arches around the mat, using our photo as a guide.
Step 3: Lastly, coat the rug with a clear finishing spray (Krylon Make It Last Clear Sealer, $3.99; joann.com) to protect your web from trick-or-treating feet.
Find this and more Halloween Craft Projects from the folks at Country Living!
Friday, October 5, 2012
I really love those decorations that are the show-stopper of the neighborhood, like this! These window clings and silhouette are very popular for the holidays. But they also can be pretty expensive. But if you have some minimal art skills, you can pull this off, and do it on the cheap, too!
All you need is a few rolls of craft paper, some craft paints, scissors, an exacto knife, clear tape, and a pencil.
You could handle this project several ways, but let's go with the simplest one.... I suggest measure the inside of the window, and cut your craft paper to fit. Then take your pencil and draw a very simple design (it might be a good idea to use a picture as a reference) then cut it out with scissors and/or your handy-dandy exacto knife.
Then place it back in the window to check your measurements, and also check it out from the outside too, to make sure it looks the way you want it to. Then after you're happy with it, take it down and apply the craft paint. Let dry, then put up with clear tape.
Remember, when doing a project like this, the more simple the design, the better it'll look. Keep in mind, you want it to be recognizable from the street, so don't make it too fancy, think simple shapes.
This also is a fun art project for kids of all ages!
All you need is a few rolls of craft paper, some craft paints, scissors, an exacto knife, clear tape, and a pencil.
You could handle this project several ways, but let's go with the simplest one.... I suggest measure the inside of the window, and cut your craft paper to fit. Then take your pencil and draw a very simple design (it might be a good idea to use a picture as a reference) then cut it out with scissors and/or your handy-dandy exacto knife.
Then place it back in the window to check your measurements, and also check it out from the outside too, to make sure it looks the way you want it to. Then after you're happy with it, take it down and apply the craft paint. Let dry, then put up with clear tape.
Remember, when doing a project like this, the more simple the design, the better it'll look. Keep in mind, you want it to be recognizable from the street, so don't make it too fancy, think simple shapes.
This also is a fun art project for kids of all ages!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
YES, I'M BACK......
Sorry dear followers.....
It has been quite a turbulent time around the Manor. But things have finally gotten back to normal. As you all know, the Spookiest Day of the Year is just around the corner. And I'm afraid I'm a bit behind on my spells and potions.
But I assure you.... it's never too late. So let's get started, shall we??????
If you're a little behind, like the Halloween Queen.... here's a jump-start to get some great ideas coming your way! Log on to All You.com and you'll find devilishly tasty recipes to ghoulish decoration tips, to let you know what you need to throw a wickedly good bash this Halloween!
It's like having your very own Halloween Fairy Ghoul-mother! Now, go get started!
It has been quite a turbulent time around the Manor. But things have finally gotten back to normal. As you all know, the Spookiest Day of the Year is just around the corner. And I'm afraid I'm a bit behind on my spells and potions.
But I assure you.... it's never too late. So let's get started, shall we??????
If you're a little behind, like the Halloween Queen.... here's a jump-start to get some great ideas coming your way! Log on to All You.com and you'll find devilishly tasty recipes to ghoulish decoration tips, to let you know what you need to throw a wickedly good bash this Halloween!
It's like having your very own Halloween Fairy Ghoul-mother! Now, go get started!
Monday, August 20, 2012
If you're planning a Halloween party for the kids you know that keeping them entertained can require you to have a spell book full of magic tricks. Well, let me tell you, games are always a great way to keep them from getting bored.
Here is the best collection of Halloween party games (for grade school aged kids, anyway...) on or off the Internet. (Pretty easy and not too expensive!)
These party games are kid-tested, and you can use these Halloween party games for other events, too. Use your imagination, and just have fun! Check these out.....
For prizes, I suggest penny candy and party favors (Like you'd find in bulk at the Party Supply stores), so you can give out lots of prizes. Try to make sure every kid wins a few pieces. After all, the object is to have fun, not compete against one another.
The "Name Game"
This is a warm-up, get to know you game for kids through adults.
All you need is:
3x 5 cards
Marking Pen(medium or wide point)
Safety Pins
Before the party, print neatly the name of a person or character associated with Halloween onto a 3x5 card.
Use a different name on each card.
Make up enough cards for more than each person invited to the party, especially for kids. This can be such a fun game, that party participants often want to play it more than once.
Upon arriving, use a safety pin to put one card on each guests' back. Do not tell them who is on the card.
Game Objective: To guess who "you" are, the name on your back.
You can ask only one question of a guest, before moving to another guest to ask a question.
Only "Yes" and "No" answers can be given.
Laughing, facial expressions, etc are certainly allowed.
Look for questions which will quickly narrow the quest such as:
Am I a male(or female)?
Am I a real person(versus fictional character)?
If a guest guesses too quickly, give them another name tag.
Object of Game: To guess pairs of hidden objects. Like the "Concentration " game.
Take twelve post-it notes.
Using a crayon or marker, number each post -it note from one to twelve on the front, non-sticky side.
On the other side, put on two cards each the words: Ghost, Pumpkin, Witches, Goblins, Treats and scarecrows. Make sure each pair not in numerical order.
You can make up any pairs of names you want.
Put the post-its on a wall in two or three rows in numerical order.
Playing the Game:
Each player takes a turn asking for two numbers to be turned over.
If there is a match, the player wins a piece of candy.
The play goes on to the next player whether or not a match is made.
Tip: For older "kids", use more than twelve post-it notes.
Pumpkin Golf:
Object of Game: Hit the golf ball into a pumpkin.
Carve out a pumpkin. Make the mouth extra large.
Build a cardboard ramp about one to two feet side from the ground to the bottom of the pumpkin's mouth.
You will probably need some support under the cardboard.
Tape the ramp to the floor for stability.
Mark a starting point a few feet from the start of the ramp. The older the kids, the farther away.
Playing the Game:
Each player gets to hit a golf ball three times.
Each time the ball goes into the pumpkin, the player wins a piece of candy.
Pumpkin Bowling:
Object of Game: Knock over the bowling pins. Make a strike or a spare.
Select several small pumpkins about four to six inches in diameter. You need extras in case a few split or break.
Place plastic (children's set) of bowling pins several feet away on the lawn or floor of the room.
A great alternative to bowling pins are plastic liter bottles. Let the kids decorate them with Halloween objects before the game.
Playing the Game:
Measure off several feet.
Give each child two tries to knock down the pins.
A strike is worth two pieces of candy.
A spare is worth one piece of candy.
Pumpkin Penny Pitch:
Object of Game: To pitch a penny into a pumpkin.
Method #1: Carve out a pumpkin (or two,or three) and line the inside with plastic or aluminum foil.
Make the top opening big.
Method: #2: Use several small plastic pumpkins(Less messy)
Playing the Game:
Place the pumpkins a couple feet away.
Give each player ten to twenty pennies.
Every time a penny goes into the pumpkin, a piece of candy is won.
Pumpkin Ring Toss:
Object of Game: To toss a ring around a pumpkin.
Carve out a one to three pumpkins.
Buy or make three or four rings about twice as big around as the pumpkins.
If you don't know what to use, try an extra piece of leftover electrical cable and tape together with duct tape. (Scouts use this as a "Reduce, re-use and re-cycle" project)
Playing the Game:
Measure back several feet, depending on age group.
Give the rings to the player.
A piece of candy (or two) is awarded for ringing the pumpkin.
You can award one piece of candy for a partial ring and two if the ring is completely around.
Tic-Tac Ghost:
Object of Game: Get three O's or X's.
Use a "Toss Across"game.
Tape pieces of candy or small prizes on some of the O's and X's.
You can use a paper note stating the prize. Sometimes the prizes are too big to put on the game.
Playing the Game:
Each player gets five or six bean bags.
Toss the bean bags at the game. There are two ways to win.
Win a prize by getting three O's or X's.
If the player turns over a prize, they win that prize.
Here is the best collection of Halloween party games (for grade school aged kids, anyway...) on or off the Internet. (Pretty easy and not too expensive!)
These party games are kid-tested, and you can use these Halloween party games for other events, too. Use your imagination, and just have fun! Check these out.....
For prizes, I suggest penny candy and party favors (Like you'd find in bulk at the Party Supply stores), so you can give out lots of prizes. Try to make sure every kid wins a few pieces. After all, the object is to have fun, not compete against one another.
The "Name Game"
This is a warm-up, get to know you game for kids through adults.
All you need is:
3x 5 cards
Marking Pen(medium or wide point)
Safety Pins
Before the party, print neatly the name of a person or character associated with Halloween onto a 3x5 card.
Use a different name on each card.
Make up enough cards for more than each person invited to the party, especially for kids. This can be such a fun game, that party participants often want to play it more than once.
Upon arriving, use a safety pin to put one card on each guests' back. Do not tell them who is on the card.
Game Objective: To guess who "you" are, the name on your back.
You can ask only one question of a guest, before moving to another guest to ask a question.
Only "Yes" and "No" answers can be given.
Laughing, facial expressions, etc are certainly allowed.
Look for questions which will quickly narrow the quest such as:
Am I a male(or female)?
Am I a real person(versus fictional character)?
If a guest guesses too quickly, give them another name tag.
Object of Game: To guess pairs of hidden objects. Like the "Concentration " game.
Take twelve post-it notes.
Using a crayon or marker, number each post -it note from one to twelve on the front, non-sticky side.
On the other side, put on two cards each the words: Ghost, Pumpkin, Witches, Goblins, Treats and scarecrows. Make sure each pair not in numerical order.
You can make up any pairs of names you want.
Put the post-its on a wall in two or three rows in numerical order.
Playing the Game:
Each player takes a turn asking for two numbers to be turned over.
If there is a match, the player wins a piece of candy.
The play goes on to the next player whether or not a match is made.
Tip: For older "kids", use more than twelve post-it notes.
Pumpkin Golf:
Object of Game: Hit the golf ball into a pumpkin.
Carve out a pumpkin. Make the mouth extra large.
Build a cardboard ramp about one to two feet side from the ground to the bottom of the pumpkin's mouth.
You will probably need some support under the cardboard.
Tape the ramp to the floor for stability.
Mark a starting point a few feet from the start of the ramp. The older the kids, the farther away.
Playing the Game:
Each player gets to hit a golf ball three times.
Each time the ball goes into the pumpkin, the player wins a piece of candy.
Pumpkin Bowling:
Object of Game: Knock over the bowling pins. Make a strike or a spare.
Select several small pumpkins about four to six inches in diameter. You need extras in case a few split or break.
Place plastic (children's set) of bowling pins several feet away on the lawn or floor of the room.
A great alternative to bowling pins are plastic liter bottles. Let the kids decorate them with Halloween objects before the game.
Playing the Game:
Measure off several feet.
Give each child two tries to knock down the pins.
A strike is worth two pieces of candy.
A spare is worth one piece of candy.
Pumpkin Penny Pitch:
Object of Game: To pitch a penny into a pumpkin.
Method #1: Carve out a pumpkin (or two,or three) and line the inside with plastic or aluminum foil.
Make the top opening big.
Method: #2: Use several small plastic pumpkins(Less messy)
Playing the Game:
Place the pumpkins a couple feet away.
Give each player ten to twenty pennies.
Every time a penny goes into the pumpkin, a piece of candy is won.
Pumpkin Ring Toss:
Object of Game: To toss a ring around a pumpkin.
Carve out a one to three pumpkins.
Buy or make three or four rings about twice as big around as the pumpkins.
If you don't know what to use, try an extra piece of leftover electrical cable and tape together with duct tape. (Scouts use this as a "Reduce, re-use and re-cycle" project)
Playing the Game:
Measure back several feet, depending on age group.
Give the rings to the player.
A piece of candy (or two) is awarded for ringing the pumpkin.
You can award one piece of candy for a partial ring and two if the ring is completely around.
Tic-Tac Ghost:
Object of Game: Get three O's or X's.
Use a "Toss Across"game.
Tape pieces of candy or small prizes on some of the O's and X's.
You can use a paper note stating the prize. Sometimes the prizes are too big to put on the game.
Playing the Game:
Each player gets five or six bean bags.
Toss the bean bags at the game. There are two ways to win.
Win a prize by getting three O's or X's.
If the player turns over a prize, they win that prize.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
I've never been a fan of "masks", they get too hot, are to difficult to talk and eat with, when you're in full party mode...and besides.... when I show up at a party, I want everyone to know it's me.... I'm not mush of a mystery woman. So that being said.... if you think like I do, Halloween make-up is the way to go!
It's fun to practice and the results can be drop dead gorgeous! (Or gory, depending on what appeals to you)
And no need to buy expensive Halloween make-up, you can find some really good (cheap) pencils, shadows and fake lashes and your local drug store.
You might want to sketch out a few ideas on paper first, if you have a specific idea in mind. I suggest using black and dark brown liner pencils, eye shadows and pick up some pale foundation, a few shades of blush and some wild lipstick colors. (And don't forget the make-up remover cloths, that's a must!)
So, if you're feeling a bit artistic today, why not try working some make-up magic?
It's fun to practice and the results can be drop dead gorgeous! (Or gory, depending on what appeals to you)
And no need to buy expensive Halloween make-up, you can find some really good (cheap) pencils, shadows and fake lashes and your local drug store.
You might want to sketch out a few ideas on paper first, if you have a specific idea in mind. I suggest using black and dark brown liner pencils, eye shadows and pick up some pale foundation, a few shades of blush and some wild lipstick colors. (And don't forget the make-up remover cloths, that's a must!)
So, if you're feeling a bit artistic today, why not try working some make-up magic?
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
If I can give you any of my Halloweenie wisdom, I'd say.... use the "KISS" method. Keep It Simple, Silly. Those are great words to remember when it comes to party planning. Especially for kids.....
Think traditional Halloween colors, lots of great visual stimulation (decorations and funny props) and fun food! (Think finger food and even a candy station!) You know kids love to play with their food! So, make it extra fun for Halloween, try something "simple" like this scary, monster pizza.
Yes, pizza! Pizza is always great for a kids party....so easy to make (just add your own favorite veggie toppings) the kids can serve themselves, and clean up is so quick and easy! (And usually not too messy) You can make large ones or personal ones, even mini monster pizzas (perfect for little goblin hands) Be sure to make a pizza station on your decorated table, and watch the little monsters go bonkers! Here's a few ideas to inspire your pizza-creativity....
Think traditional Halloween colors, lots of great visual stimulation (decorations and funny props) and fun food! (Think finger food and even a candy station!) You know kids love to play with their food! So, make it extra fun for Halloween, try something "simple" like this scary, monster pizza.
Yes, pizza! Pizza is always great for a kids party....so easy to make (just add your own favorite veggie toppings) the kids can serve themselves, and clean up is so quick and easy! (And usually not too messy) You can make large ones or personal ones, even mini monster pizzas (perfect for little goblin hands) Be sure to make a pizza station on your decorated table, and watch the little monsters go bonkers! Here's a few ideas to inspire your pizza-creativity....
Monday, August 6, 2012

What a great idea! Not only is the furniture pretty and functional.... it's sooooo cool! I've already been looking around the Manor to do a bit of redecorating...... Check out Casket Furniture.com!
Friday, August 3, 2012
You can't have a haunted house without ghosts, right? Well around the Manor we've got lots of 'em, and you'll need them too!
Some ghosts are made from old sheets and ratty white fabric. but if you're in need of some ghosts who can stand up next to the punch bowl or to be used for a centerpiece, cheese cloth is the way to go!
This self-standing ghostly creature is actually pretty easy to create.... come on, it's time for another project.....
Here are the materials you'll need:
•Cheese cloth
•Fabric stiffener ("Stiffy" by Plaid works great)
•Small container
•Splat mat (Yes, it's gonna be messy!)
•Black felt for eyes and mouth
•Small terra cotta pot
•Styrofoam (1 to fit snugly inside the pot and 1 large for the head and 2 small for the arms.)
•Wood dowels
•Plastic wrap
1.Make a form for your ghost. If you need help with the shape, use the picture as a reference, but you can come up with your own idea too. Insert the large Styrofoam ball into the pot. Insert the dowel into the Styrofoam and add the head to the top. Insert dowels into the Styrofoam for the arms. Wrap plastic wrap around the Styrofoam so that the cheesecloth won’t stick.
2.Cut a piece of cheesecloth making sure it is big enough to drape over the form.
3.Set the pot on the mat in a place where you can leave it over night.
4.Saturate the cloth with fabric stiffener and drape over your form. Mold it and shape it the way you like it. Let dry.
5.Once dry pull out the form and cut round eyes and a mouth. Glue it to your ghost.
Pretty simple, right? If you'd like to see step by step instructions, check out the video on FaveCrafts.com!
It's just that easy! BOO-tiful!
Some ghosts are made from old sheets and ratty white fabric. but if you're in need of some ghosts who can stand up next to the punch bowl or to be used for a centerpiece, cheese cloth is the way to go!
This self-standing ghostly creature is actually pretty easy to create.... come on, it's time for another project.....
Here are the materials you'll need:
•Cheese cloth
•Fabric stiffener ("Stiffy" by Plaid works great)
•Small container
•Splat mat (Yes, it's gonna be messy!)
•Black felt for eyes and mouth
•Small terra cotta pot
•Styrofoam (1 to fit snugly inside the pot and 1 large for the head and 2 small for the arms.)
•Wood dowels
•Plastic wrap
1.Make a form for your ghost. If you need help with the shape, use the picture as a reference, but you can come up with your own idea too. Insert the large Styrofoam ball into the pot. Insert the dowel into the Styrofoam and add the head to the top. Insert dowels into the Styrofoam for the arms. Wrap plastic wrap around the Styrofoam so that the cheesecloth won’t stick.
2.Cut a piece of cheesecloth making sure it is big enough to drape over the form.
3.Set the pot on the mat in a place where you can leave it over night.
4.Saturate the cloth with fabric stiffener and drape over your form. Mold it and shape it the way you like it. Let dry.
5.Once dry pull out the form and cut round eyes and a mouth. Glue it to your ghost.
Pretty simple, right? If you'd like to see step by step instructions, check out the video on FaveCrafts.com!
It's just that easy! BOO-tiful!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
'Paranormal Activity 4' trailer: They're baaaaaaack!
by Erin Strecker
for Entertainment Weekly.com
You want to see something really scary?
The trailer for Paranormal Activity 4 has arrived, and as you might expect, it’s more of the same: shaky camera, creepy figure in the background, and a guarantee that something seriously disturbing is going to happen when you least expect it.
It’s no surprise that a fourth film is happening. After the incredible debut of the original dirt-cheap found-footage thriller, the second and third Paranormal movies combined to earn $383 million at the global box office. The fourth movie, starring Glee‘s Dianna Agron, will be released on Oct. 19, just in time for Halloween.
Click here to check out the trailer for the fourth installment!
for Entertainment Weekly.com
You want to see something really scary?
The trailer for Paranormal Activity 4 has arrived, and as you might expect, it’s more of the same: shaky camera, creepy figure in the background, and a guarantee that something seriously disturbing is going to happen when you least expect it.
It’s no surprise that a fourth film is happening. After the incredible debut of the original dirt-cheap found-footage thriller, the second and third Paranormal movies combined to earn $383 million at the global box office. The fourth movie, starring Glee‘s Dianna Agron, will be released on Oct. 19, just in time for Halloween.
Click here to check out the trailer for the fourth installment!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
A really good blog to check out for inspiration is Creepy Cupcakes! She's pretty darn crafty if I do say so myself. Check out one of her creepy creations.....
I have this weird hoarding habit when it comes to glass jars and bottles. I think it's because my dad find such cool uses for them that seem both homey and eclectic (like storing and displaying grains in the kitchen, or holding tealights in for subdued outdoor lighting).
This comes in handy, though, when I sit down to craft because -- obviously -- I like lights in jars and I like to craft mood lighting.
Here's what you'll need:
~Old spaghetti jar (cleaned, of course -- I like Bertolli for their jars)
~Modge Podge (or other gluey sealer; come to think of it, white glue would probably work fine)
~Modge Podge (or other gluey sealer; come to think of it, white glue would probably work fine)
~A cheapy paint brush
~Red food coloring or dark red paint
~A tealight/small candle
I poured some of the modge podge into a disposable container and added quite a bit of food coloring (why? because I didn't have any red paint and the modge-podge ensured it would dry with an opaqueness that would look, well, a bit bloodier).
I painted a generous amount around the rim of the jar, then blew downward to start it spreading in natural curves down the jar. I added more food coloring and darked the rim, letting it glob in places to make for a gorier impression when it dried.
Then I flicked a little red modge podge with the paintbrush across and around the jar to make a splatter pattern. Just because I don't mind my fingers being stained, I also dipped them in the 'blood,' blotted them lightly, and then grabbed around the jar to make a handprint (for some reason, this refused to photograph properly).
Let dry and insert tealight and you have a bloody little lamp to set about at your party.
There you have it, straight from the Creepy Cupcake Queen herself! For more great ideas, check out Creepy Cupcakes!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
If you're like me, and not the best baker in the world...it's ok. There's hope for us yet. You know I preach a lot about making it easy on yourself when planning the perfect party. So here's another hot tip.....
Something simple, like this cute black cat, makes a great looking cake for your upcoming party. But here's the best part.....if you're not a cake artist (witch I am not...) just print off this pictute and take it to your local bake shop, and have them recreate the same look on a half sheet cake. (Yup, it's that easy) Just order a plain (half) sheet cake with black icing
I've found that most bakeries are happy to do it, if they have a picture they can refer to. Remember, it doesn't have to be exactly like the picture, but it gives your baker a good point of reference.
And for added good measure.... I always ask the baker for some of their business cards (most of them also do their own cake decorating on the side) that I can hand out to guests who ask about the talented artist who made the cake! (Trust me, you'll be glad you did)
Something simple, like this cute black cat, makes a great looking cake for your upcoming party. But here's the best part.....if you're not a cake artist (witch I am not...) just print off this pictute and take it to your local bake shop, and have them recreate the same look on a half sheet cake. (Yup, it's that easy) Just order a plain (half) sheet cake with black icing
I've found that most bakeries are happy to do it, if they have a picture they can refer to. Remember, it doesn't have to be exactly like the picture, but it gives your baker a good point of reference.
And for added good measure.... I always ask the baker for some of their business cards (most of them also do their own cake decorating on the side) that I can hand out to guests who ask about the talented artist who made the cake! (Trust me, you'll be glad you did)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
These cute little vampire lollipops will make great party favors for your Halloween party -- be sure to make plenty, they'll fly off before you know it! This project comes from Amanda Formaro at kaboose.com and it's super easy for kids ages 7 and up.
Here's what you'll need:
Red cellophane
Black felt
Twist ties
White address labels
Peel and stick wiggle eyes
Pattern (see link below)
How to make it:
Using the pattern, cut capes (one for each lollipop) from black felt.
Cut a piece of cellophane into a square, large enough to wrap around the head of the lollipop. (See photo.)
Loosely wrap the cellophane around the lollipop and place the wrapped lollipop onto the felt cape. (See photo.)
Wrap twist tie around both at the neck of the lollipop. (See photo.)
Cut fangs from white address labels and stick to the front of the lollipop. Attach peel and stick wiggle eyes to the front of the lollipop. (See photo.)
To add some variety, try using different colors of cellophane such as orange, green, or purple.
Bend the ends of the twist ties to look like bow ties.
Try creepy eye Halloween stickers instead of wiggle eyes.
This would be a great class activity for all you "classroom moms" who are looking for fun ideas for those little monsters!
Here's what you'll need:
Red cellophane
Black felt
Twist ties
White address labels
Peel and stick wiggle eyes
Pattern (see link below)
How to make it:
Using the pattern, cut capes (one for each lollipop) from black felt.
Cut a piece of cellophane into a square, large enough to wrap around the head of the lollipop. (See photo.)
Loosely wrap the cellophane around the lollipop and place the wrapped lollipop onto the felt cape. (See photo.)
Wrap twist tie around both at the neck of the lollipop. (See photo.)
Cut fangs from white address labels and stick to the front of the lollipop. Attach peel and stick wiggle eyes to the front of the lollipop. (See photo.)
To add some variety, try using different colors of cellophane such as orange, green, or purple.
Bend the ends of the twist ties to look like bow ties.
Try creepy eye Halloween stickers instead of wiggle eyes.
This would be a great class activity for all you "classroom moms" who are looking for fun ideas for those little monsters!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Aaaaaaagggggghhhhhhh!!!!! Are you ready?
I have to ask....Have you given any thought to Halloween costumes for your little monsters?
Last year, Avatar led the way in top sales for Kid's Halloween Costumes. Retailers say that they're already getting requests from those parents who want to be sure their kid has the best costume. No waiting until the last minute for these folks..... Experts say this season, expect the Smurfs to top the list most likely this Halloween season, as well as Harry Potter and Monster High characters. And don't be surprised to see that some of the Halloween staples are still very much best sellers as well. From witches, monsters to princesses and kings. Here's a list of the top selling Halloween costumes so far, this season:
Harry Potter
All Princess characters (Cinderella, Snow White, Tinkerbell)
Star Wars
Superheroes (Spiderman, Batman)
Monster High
Miley Cyrus
Justin Bieber
So.... if you're not one of those parents who will be dragging ths kids to the mall for their costumes, yay for you! Home-made costumes are the best!
Ready, set, go start those sewing machines!
I have to ask....Have you given any thought to Halloween costumes for your little monsters?
Last year, Avatar led the way in top sales for Kid's Halloween Costumes. Retailers say that they're already getting requests from those parents who want to be sure their kid has the best costume. No waiting until the last minute for these folks..... Experts say this season, expect the Smurfs to top the list most likely this Halloween season, as well as Harry Potter and Monster High characters. And don't be surprised to see that some of the Halloween staples are still very much best sellers as well. From witches, monsters to princesses and kings. Here's a list of the top selling Halloween costumes so far, this season:
Harry Potter
All Princess characters (Cinderella, Snow White, Tinkerbell)
Star Wars
Superheroes (Spiderman, Batman)
Monster High
Miley Cyrus
Justin Bieber
So.... if you're not one of those parents who will be dragging ths kids to the mall for their costumes, yay for you! Home-made costumes are the best!
Ready, set, go start those sewing machines!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Yes, everyone has jumped on the "i love zombies" ban wagon.... but that's ok, they're what's hot right now. So lets make that work for us, shall we?
Someone sent me this picture, a while back, and I had to do a bit of web-detective work until I could finally track it down. But it was worth it. This is a pretty cool project, not too difficult and will look great hanging on the wall during Halloween season.
This project comes from Alicia on her blog Put On The Glasses, and it's a few years old, (but so what, it's pretty darn cool) and her step-by-step instructions for making this Zombie Attack Box will guide you through it, quite easily.
This brings to mind the Boy Scout creed, "Be prepared". But when dealing with Zombies, my motto is..... "Get them before they get you!"
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Welcome the nuthouse!
I have to tell you, when this show came out last season, I was pleasantly and shockingly surprised how good it was! I loved it!
It was so macabre, twisted, and well written.... I couldn't look away.... and Jessica Lange.... awesome! She should be the new poster girl for "crazy psycho"!!!!!
American Horror Story has just landed itself another patient to inhabit its new East Coast mental institution setting in season two, and oh, what a beautiful patient he is! So who is the soap star joining Ryan Murphy's hit FX series? Mark Consuelos, the doctor will see you now!
Yes, the former All My Children star and Kelly Ripa's hubby, is set to join returning stars Jessica Lange, Evan Peters and Zachary Quinto on American Horror Story, EW.com reports.
While details are few, we've confirmed that Consuelos is set to play an inmate named Spivey at the mental institution for the criminally insane run by Lange's character.
We recently reported that Secret Circle and The Amazing Spider-Man star Chris Zylka will also be joining the show as Daniel, the most beautiful boy in the world and a deaf-mute. Also set to pop up on AHS in season two are Lily Rabe, Adam Levine, Chloë Sevigny and Joseph Fiennes. The Season 2 premiere has been put in the FX Fall line-up for October 2012.
Oh, I can hardly wait!!!!
I have to tell you, when this show came out last season, I was pleasantly and shockingly surprised how good it was! I loved it!
It was so macabre, twisted, and well written.... I couldn't look away.... and Jessica Lange.... awesome! She should be the new poster girl for "crazy psycho"!!!!!
American Horror Story has just landed itself another patient to inhabit its new East Coast mental institution setting in season two, and oh, what a beautiful patient he is! So who is the soap star joining Ryan Murphy's hit FX series? Mark Consuelos, the doctor will see you now!
Yes, the former All My Children star and Kelly Ripa's hubby, is set to join returning stars Jessica Lange, Evan Peters and Zachary Quinto on American Horror Story, EW.com reports.
While details are few, we've confirmed that Consuelos is set to play an inmate named Spivey at the mental institution for the criminally insane run by Lange's character.
We recently reported that Secret Circle and The Amazing Spider-Man star Chris Zylka will also be joining the show as Daniel, the most beautiful boy in the world and a deaf-mute. Also set to pop up on AHS in season two are Lily Rabe, Adam Levine, Chloë Sevigny and Joseph Fiennes. The Season 2 premiere has been put in the FX Fall line-up for October 2012.
Oh, I can hardly wait!!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
How fun is this????? What a GREAT idea from the Confessions of a Cookbook Queen blog, and this is one amazing Queen, if I do say so myself! These melted witches are so easy, and super cute for class parties. That Queen even worked some magic and whipped up cute little bags to put them in!!
Here are the Queen's step by step instructions:
First, make your brooms and hats:
Make the hats with a Hershey Kiss and half of an Oreo. Put the filling side of the cookie down and stick the Hershey Kiss to the top with a bit of melted almond bark or candy melts.
All you need are pretzel sticks and yellow Laffy Taffy. Flatten the taffy and cut it in half horizontally. Cut fringe into the bottom 2/3 with sharp scissors and wrap the un-fringed part around the pretzel stick.

Spoon some green candy on the wax paper and spread into a circle with your spoon. If you are going to bag these up later, keep the bag size in mind. You don’t want to make these too big to fit. Spoon a small amount of dark chocolate over the green, and swirl it with a knife.
Place one hat and one broom on each green/black melted witch. Place pan in the refrigerator to set.
That Cookbook Queen is soooo crafty! She even made little bags to deliver the goodies to all the little monsters!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Paraskevidekatriaphobics — people afflicted with a morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th — will be hiding under the covers right about now, afraid that the source of their unholy terror might not be so irrational after all. Sounds like a scene from one of your favorite slasher movies, right? The fear is real, it's called Triskaidekaphobia.
But if you're not suffering from Triskaidekaphobia, maybe tonite would be a good time to have a Friday the 13th movie marathon!
If you're not planning a party like we talked about earlier this week, maybe something more low key. Just a few friends, some candles and cocktails, to set the mood..... and be sure to have some of your favorite movie munchies on hand! Big bowls of popcorn and boxes of Milkduds and Goobers! Now that's a party.
Happy Friday the 13th!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Oh, how cute is this???? I loooooooove it! I came across this little gem while surfing the web, and I gotta tell you, there are so many talented crafters out there!
I couldn't find the instructions....but I would say from all my years of crafting experience, all you'll need is some black floral wire, black foam sheets (or black adhesive paper) scissors, maybe a glue stick or hot glue gun.... and a plain black headband.
From the picture, it looks pretty simple. If I had to guess, I'd say.... make a bat template, trace it, cut it out, attach the bats (by hot glue or glue stick) to the wire, (cut at different lengths, and be sure to add a few extra inches at the bottom for twisting around the actual headband) Use the photo as a reference how far apart to set them, and I say add as many bats as you like.... until you get the desired look that you're going for!
Pretty simple. And the best part.... it doesn't have to look exactly like the picture. If it's not perfect, you're the only one who knows. I also think this would be great if you were going as Melanie from "The Birds", with a flock of killer birds flying around your head....
I couldn't find the instructions....but I would say from all my years of crafting experience, all you'll need is some black floral wire, black foam sheets (or black adhesive paper) scissors, maybe a glue stick or hot glue gun.... and a plain black headband.
From the picture, it looks pretty simple. If I had to guess, I'd say.... make a bat template, trace it, cut it out, attach the bats (by hot glue or glue stick) to the wire, (cut at different lengths, and be sure to add a few extra inches at the bottom for twisting around the actual headband) Use the photo as a reference how far apart to set them, and I say add as many bats as you like.... until you get the desired look that you're going for!
Pretty simple. And the best part.... it doesn't have to look exactly like the picture. If it's not perfect, you're the only one who knows. I also think this would be great if you were going as Melanie from "The Birds", with a flock of killer birds flying around your head....
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
As promised..... here's an amazing dinner party theme that's so hauntingly sophisticated, you can't look away!
The photo shoot was inspired by Love at First Bite: The Complete Vampire Lover’s Cookbook, which boasts "more than 300 suck-ulent recipes"! What a fun excuse to celebrate your favorite vampire themed books, movies, or tv shows!
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