Tuesday, April 30, 2013
This Vegan (That's right, I said it.... it's actually a Vegan recipe!) Mozzarella Eye Balls with “Blood” Salsa recipe comes courtesy of Nadia G. and Bitchin' Kitchen! Check it out:
Here's what you'll need:
4 large green olives stuffed with pimento
2 blocks of vegan mozzarella cheese
8 slices vegan deli slices
Your favorite jarred salsa (or make your own)
Here's what to do:
Slice the olives into disks about ¼ inch each. With a cookie cutter, cut rounds out of the vegan cheese blocks. Place an olive dish in the center of each cheese round and with a paring knife, trace around it.
Cut out a chunk of the cheese from the outline so that the olive can fit inside.
Wrap the vegan deli slices around the cheese round eyeball. You may need to hold them in place with toothpicks. Repeat with the rest of the cheese rounds.
Fill bowls with the salsa and carefully place your eyeballs…well, 2 of the eyeballs you made...into each bowl. Alternatively, you can fill a large bowl with salsa and lots of eyeballs to stare at your guests. Lookin' good, huh?
Check out some more cool (Vegan) stuff at The V Word!
Monday, April 29, 2013
One of my favorite things to make up is a gift basket..... and especially for Halloween! You know, for those far away friends, loved ones and business associates.
Just put salsa in a jar with a homemade label, put chips and other goodies in clear plastic bags with ribbons and tags. Fill the basket with lots of orange and black raffia (or pre-made filler you can pick-up at your local craft store).... add a few plastic spiders and maybe a rat or two... and don't forget to tie it all up with cellophane wrap and a big black bow on top!
But if you're just too darn busy to make a gift basket, check out some of these great ideas that are just a click or phone call away, from Gifts For All Holidays.com!
You can order something pre-made, or you can make it yourself (of course!) and really make it special. I like to fill my Halloween gift basket (or cauldron) with good and evil treats, like my favorite bottle of 7 Deadly Zins wine, homemade Swamp Salsa, Blue Bat-Wing Chips, Haunted Hot Sauce, Boogers on A Stick (chocolate covered pretzels).... and candy corn!
But if you're just too darn busy to make a gift basket, check out some of these great ideas that are just a click or phone call away, from Gifts For All Holidays.com!
Friday, April 26, 2013
The gardens around the Manor have begun to take shape, and I'm quite pleased to report that the "Pumpkins on a Stick" and my "Halloween Pansies" have started to sprout! The last I blogged about this, I just planted the seeds and was waiting anxiously to see something pop from the dirt.
Well.... ta da! Happy Friday!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
I love those people who can match their manicure to their outfits, and secretly, I'm very jealous of that.
You see, it's a bit difficult to do, here around the Manor. There's always cauldrons that need scrubbing, bats that need painted.... and do you know how many projects I'm working on in the dungeon, right now? So it really doesn't make sense for me to spend the Count's hard earned inheritance, on manicures!
But like I said, I'm quite envious of those who can. And what fun it'll be, to match your outfits this Halloween. It's what all the best dressed ghouls will be wearing this season....
For more great ideas, check out Popsugar.com!
You see, it's a bit difficult to do, here around the Manor. There's always cauldrons that need scrubbing, bats that need painted.... and do you know how many projects I'm working on in the dungeon, right now? So it really doesn't make sense for me to spend the Count's hard earned inheritance, on manicures!
But like I said, I'm quite envious of those who can. And what fun it'll be, to match your outfits this Halloween. It's what all the best dressed ghouls will be wearing this season....
For more great ideas, check out Popsugar.com!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
One of the things I really love about decorating for Halloween is that there's really no right or wrong way to do it! And the more creative, the better!
Remember, you don't have to go out and buy a bunch of stuff, you'll have more fun making it yourself. And it doesn't have to be so fancy or elaborate, look at this simple idea using nothing but picture frames and a few well placed cut-outs.
You can do this simple project using pre-made cut-outs that you get from your local craft store, or just make 'em yourself with black construction paper and black string.
Then, in pencil, I'd lightly trace out where you want the cut-outs to go, and then run a thin line of (good old Elmer's) glue along the pencil line. Carefully place the cut-outs on the glue, and let dry.
Figure out where you want the frames hung, and be sure to make them a little cock-eyed, to give them that whimsical look. Also keep in mind when you hang them, you'll want to connect 3 frames (one on top of the other) and run the string from frame to frame, with the spider on the bottom.
As a matter of fact, I think I would connect each one with a line of string, to make it look like that little spider was really goin' to town!
And with a little bit of creative magic, and a few craft supplies..... *poof!*
Remember, you don't have to go out and buy a bunch of stuff, you'll have more fun making it yourself. And it doesn't have to be so fancy or elaborate, look at this simple idea using nothing but picture frames and a few well placed cut-outs.
You can do this simple project using pre-made cut-outs that you get from your local craft store, or just make 'em yourself with black construction paper and black string.
Then, in pencil, I'd lightly trace out where you want the cut-outs to go, and then run a thin line of (good old Elmer's) glue along the pencil line. Carefully place the cut-outs on the glue, and let dry.
Figure out where you want the frames hung, and be sure to make them a little cock-eyed, to give them that whimsical look. Also keep in mind when you hang them, you'll want to connect 3 frames (one on top of the other) and run the string from frame to frame, with the spider on the bottom.
As a matter of fact, I think I would connect each one with a line of string, to make it look like that little spider was really goin' to town!
And with a little bit of creative magic, and a few craft supplies..... *poof!*
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Here it is, the top secret family recipe for the Halloween Queen's Famous Pumpkin Fudge.
2 tbs. butter
2 1/2 cups sugar
2/3 cup evaporated milk
7 oz. marshmallow cream
3/4 cup canned pumpkin
1 cup white chocolate chips
1 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1. Line a 9x9 pan with foil.
2. In 3 quart saucepan, heat milk and sugar over medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally with wooden spoon.
3. Mix in pumpkin and spice, bring back to a rolling boil. Cook (stirring occasionally) for 18 minutes.
4. Remove from heat, add vanilla extract and white chocolate chips. Stir in until creamy and all chips are melted.
5. Pour into foil pan. Let cool. Remove from pan, cut into squares. Store in air-tight container.
Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility. Enjoy.
Thursday, April 18, 2013

And it just goes to show you, that lots of other Halloweenies are very creative when it comes to making jewelry! Check out this amazing "Cat's Eye Ring"! I've seen these before, but this is by far the coolest one!
And not only are sites like Esty and Art Fire filled with very talented artists, but you can pick some of this stuff up for a steal!
Here are a few more things this week, that caught my evil eye.....
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
It sounds more complicated than it really it. If you have a few basic crafting skills, this will be a no-brainer!
First of all, I love the aged look of this garland, and I think you could even use an organe or black fabric and it would look equally awesome. (And may I suggest, if you go with a black fabric, why not try an neon orange "glow in the dark" fabric or acrylic paint..... trust the Halloween Queen)
A few things you'll need are: some twine, heavy duty thread, craft needles, fabric, stencil (or not, if you're good at free-hand) and fabric or acrylic paint.
Measure out how long you want the garland to be. Cut the twine to the desired length. Be sure to consider where you want to hang the garland, and make sure you leave enough on each end to tie off, where you want it to hang. (This may be a good time to have a helper hold one end, while you decide where you want it to go!)
Make 14 squares cut from the fabric of your choice. Lay out the squares against the twine, to be sure that you measured correctly. (May I also suggest marking the twine with a sharpie marker, so you know where each square is to be placed. Trust me, this will save you time and aggravation!)
Then draw or stencil the letters on each individual square. Paint each letter, set aside to dry. Once the letters have completely dried, attach each square by sewing the edges to the twine.
You're done.... it's ready to hang. It just that easy!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
You really should consider hosting an elegant and eerie dinner party. Sounds great, right? Now..... are you looking for some inspiration to set a spooky table?
We all know the table can really set the mood for any dinner party.... and don't let Halloween be the exception. Here's a fantastic setting for that intimate Halloween dinner party, for the adult party-goers.
Create a tall grim centerpiece by filling a three-tier cake stand with various Halloween decor. Fill the centerpiece with glittery skulls, bones, spray-painted Christmas ornaments and a silver witch's hat. And don't forget the miniature skulls on the plates and add crystal elements to the table, with candle holders and wine glasses. Isn't it just BOO-tiful?!
For more great ideas, log on to HGTV.com!
Monday, April 15, 2013
This week's featured recipe is just perfect for those little monsters of yours, who loooooooove to be grossed out.
Well, this'll do it! I have a feeling this will become one of the kid's favorites, cuz what kid doesnt like hot dogs?
Yup, it's just good old hot dogs! Just add some chili ,or gobs of ketchup and relish to really gross 'em out!
For instructions on making WORM DOGS, log on to my Devilish Delights Recipe Page!
Friday, April 12, 2013
I know that I blogged about this earlier this week, but I'm really loving the whole idea of hosting a Ghostly Garden Party, for the annual Halloween bash this year. I've been having visions of formal invitations rolled-up and tied in bows, with dead flowers and weeds. (Be sure not to use poison ivy, your guests might not find that so amusing...)
The gardens around the Manor would be the perfect spooky spot to mingle with ghoulish guests. I'm thinking lots of rusty chairs and dusty sheets to set the mood. And don't forget to have a creepy gate for your guests to walk through, to enter the garden.
Light the way with glass jar luminaries, and signs.... to point out every twist and turn of what awaits them! And if you don't have the ambiance of rolling fog, like we do here around the Manor, go rent (or buy, they're pretty cheap) a fog machine!
I think a rusty old potting table would make a lovely boo-ffet table, to serve moldy lady-finger sandwiches and green goblin punch.
Remember, it's all about setting the mood. Think about hanging Spanish moss from tree limbs, wrapped in tiny orange or purple Halloween lights.
Don't forget to have plenty of tombstones... and maybe a few piles of dirt, for freshly dug graves.
And to really add to the festivities.... why not have a few "fiends" in costume, to play the role of your friendly neighborhood grave diggers?! They could casually stroll around the party, searching for more "customers". Love it!
You know, maybe I'll watch the Disney "Haunted Mansion" movie this weekend, for a little inspiration. Happy Friday!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Some of the best Halloween decorations are the ones that are so simple, they're cool! And the best part, is they don't take a lot of time to assemble, and you can pretty much figure it out, just by looking at the picture.... But if not...
These directs are quick and simple......Take some mini pumpkins. Hallow out the centers to fit your votive candles. Then using a drill (with a small bit) place holes to fit the pipe cleaners, where the spider's legs will be. Then bend the pipe cleaners to look like spider legs.... add the votive candle.... you're done!
But be warned! These may not be suitable for kid's parties..... they're so cute, you know little hands are gonna wanna touch 'em!
Just another one of my magic spells that's super-easy, but all your guests will marvel at your creativity and talent! (And that's the real magic, right?) *wink
These directs are quick and simple......Take some mini pumpkins. Hallow out the centers to fit your votive candles. Then using a drill (with a small bit) place holes to fit the pipe cleaners, where the spider's legs will be. Then bend the pipe cleaners to look like spider legs.... add the votive candle.... you're done!
But be warned! These may not be suitable for kid's parties..... they're so cute, you know little hands are gonna wanna touch 'em!
Just another one of my magic spells that's super-easy, but all your guests will marvel at your creativity and talent! (And that's the real magic, right?) *wink
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The gardens around the Manor seem to be coming to life, and some have since been renamed the Gargoyle Garden.
I've added a few new varieties of plants and herbs, this year, and I'm looking forward to seeing the results over the next few months.
Lots of purples and black among the rocks and gargoyles. Look closely, and see if you can find them all......
It's still a work in progress, I've got pumpkins on a stick and Halloween pansies planted, and they should make their arrival by May.
A haunted garden theme would be a wonderful idea for a party this year.... don't you think?
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Yes, I admit it.... I have an e-bay problem. I've blogged about it before, and yes, I'm the Halloween Queen and I'm an e-bay-oholic.
Meet the newest addition to the Manor. It's Agatha.
She's a doll! Well, a "Living Dead Doll" to be more specific! And she's so cute, I can hardly stand it!!! I've been wanting one of these babies for such a long time, and some of them can be quite expensive. Thank goodness for e-bay.... and what a bargian! It's my lucky (e)day!
If you've never seen Living Dead Dolls before, well you need to check them out, because everyone should have at least one doll-baby to care for....
Be sure to check out the Living Dead Dolls website.... but be warned, once you see these creepy cuties.... you won't be able to help yourself!
Monday, April 8, 2013
How great is this idea? This will definitely get the thumbs up from all the kiddo's, cuz it's extremely high on the "eeeeeeewwwwwww" factor! And it's one of those great ideas, I wish I would have thought of!
All you'll need is some cinnamon graham crackers, a can of white frosting, and some red gel-icing.
For instructions on making the Bloody Band-Aid Treats, log on to my Devilish Delights Recipe Page!
Happy Monday!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Happy Friday, fellow Halloweenies!
You all know how much I looooooove Halloween jewelry, and here's a good one! I love this idea and it looks really amazing!
I think I'd really have to put my mind to it, to try and make this necklace.... but why would I do that, when I can get this awesome one on Esty, from artist Peter Von Erickson?
This necklace is so cool, I'd want to wear it all year long. I think it would be a great accessory for that little black dress you've got in your closet!
Check out Peter Von Erickson's profile!
You all know how much I looooooove Halloween jewelry, and here's a good one! I love this idea and it looks really amazing!
I think I'd really have to put my mind to it, to try and make this necklace.... but why would I do that, when I can get this awesome one on Esty, from artist Peter Von Erickson?
This necklace is so cool, I'd want to wear it all year long. I think it would be a great accessory for that little black dress you've got in your closet!
Check out Peter Von Erickson's profile!
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Wreaths are super easy to make, because there's really no right or wrong way to do it. It's whatever appeals to you, and your decorating style. (Even if your style is macabre, like mine!)This design is so simple, it would look great on the front door, or anywhere you want to spruce up a bit.
Another thing to think about, is even though the Halloween Queen has the Manor decked out all year long.... you may not want to do that, (that's ok, not everyone is as nutty as I am) but you could also adapt this wreath to your personal decorating style. Using regular brown burlap and colorfull fabric ribbon to complement your home decor. Remember, with this style you can make the wreath as plain or fancy as you like.
Another thing to think about, is even though the Halloween Queen has the Manor decked out all year long.... you may not want to do that, (that's ok, not everyone is as nutty as I am) but you could also adapt this wreath to your personal decorating style. Using regular brown burlap and colorfull fabric ribbon to complement your home decor. Remember, with this style you can make the wreath as plain or fancy as you like.
And if you're not to confident in the wreath-making department, but you're looking for a not-too-complicated wreath design, this is a great tutorial. Still not convinced? Trust me..... Just using a few simple things, like burlap and ribbon, you’ll be able to create a stylish piece of festive decor!
For a super-easy tutorial, check out Classy Clutter.net!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
So are you ready? Come on.... I know what you're thinking.... But I figured this would be a great project to get the crafty juices flowing, it's easy, relatively quick to complete, and they look fabulous! They're SHADOW PUPPETS!
Not only are shadow puppets fun for Halloween, but you know that you could apply the same process to other holidays, as well. (But we all know that Halloween is the only one that really matters, don't we?)
You just need a few supplies:
several wood dowels, thin cardboard (or black construction paper), black acrylic craft paint, glue gun and glue sticks
Here's what you'll do:
~Trace designs from pattern or template (or design your own!)
~Cut out with exacto knife (or safety scissors, if little ones will be working on this craft project)
~Paint front and back sides with black paint (let dry!)
~Hot glue the dowels to the back of the shadow puppet (and you're done!)
Now, if you'd like more detailed instructions and printable templates, check out the Chez Beeper Bebe blog!
See... now that wasn't so bad after all.... was it?
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
I have awoke from a long needed slumber, after our last All Hallows Eve celebration, shaken off the cobwebs, and am ready to start anew.
That being said, the gardens around the Manor have begun to take shape, and I believe will be quite incredible, come the Halloween Season.
Most of my faithful followers may recall my blogging about "Halloween Pansies" and "Pumpkins on a Stick", and I'm quite excited to say..... I will be planting seeds this weekend!
So, it's time to polish the cauldrons, and brush up on your spells.... there's only 211 days until Halloween!
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