Well here are my top 5 favorite ideas. Not to worry, they're super fast, super easy, and are super fab-boo-lous!
Ok, all you need for this creepy entry way are some black trash bags. Take scissors and cut strips length-wise so they blow in the wind. You can put this up this up with duct tape (use black, so you won't see it) in a matter of minutes!
Now for some scares for the inside of the house.... With a few dabs of hot glue, and a bag or two of plastic spiders, you can attach them to doors, windows, stairways..... actually any where you can imagine. Keep in mind, if you want to attach them to the wall, the glue may leave a mark once it's removed. So I suggest
On to idea #3.... every house needs some bats for Halloween, and these look great on tall branches sticking out of a huge vase on the floor, or as a centerpiece on the dining room table! I loooooove this idea, and have done it soooooo many times, but it never gets old!
All you'll need is some black ribbon, some hot glue, and a white paint pen. This one is as easy as 1,2,3.

2. Use a dab of hot glue to hold in place.
3. On the knot of the bow, take your paint pen (or white acrylic paint and a tiny brush) and make eyes. Da ta! You made a bat! Now, keep doing that until it looks like a flock of bats.

What you'll need for this is some white pillar candles in assorted sizes, a few red candlesticks, and a lighter or matches.
Take a red candlestick, light it, and hold it over the white pillar candle. As the wax drips, hold it over the edges of the white candle so it can drip over the sides. This may take a few mintues to get the wax to melt quickly, but once it's good and hot, it should melt pretty quick.
*Keep in mind this is a grown up only project, not a good idea for the kiddo's.

There you have it. My top 5 fast and favorite decorating tips. Now come on, let's get moving.... you've got a busy day ahead!