I love projects like this, because they're unbelievably easy.... and the finished product is amazing!
Ok, here goes.....
If you're looking for a super fast and easy way to recreate this cake, just go to your favorite bakery and get a plain cake (whatever flavor you like) and order it with white icing.
Now, when you get it home, you'll need to make a template. The easiest way to do this, would be free-hand, on a piece of poster board.

Once you've done this, take a pencil and draw the snake on the circle. Cut it out, leaving the outline of the snake in tact. (The actual snake part is what you'll get rid of, since you'll need the outline to use as a guide, when you pour on the black sprinkles)
Now, if you don't trust your art skills, take this picture and enlarge it on a copier, to the same size as the top of the cake. Then trace it on to your circle-cut poster board. Cut out the snake, and use the remainder as your template.

Carefully place the template on the top of the cake, and pour black sprinkles on the template. Once the snake has been covered, very carefully lift the template off the cake.
See.... how easy was that?
Now, if you want to make your own cake.... may I suggest making a white cake, add a teaspoon of licorice anise extract, and a few drops of black food coloring to the cake batter. Then follow the same instructions as above, to add the snake to the top of the cake.
You've just made the perfect dessert for your annual Ssssssspook-Fest, and all your guests will be ssssssssssso impressed with your crafty confection!
You're ssssssssssso welcome.