I want my party to be the one everyone "ooohhhhs" and "aaahhhhhs", and "eeeeks!!!" about. So try this idea....

I have so many of these I've made, and I always get requests to make some for a few friends when Halloween comes around. I think I've had these particular ones for about 4 or 5 years, and they still look amazing.
Just paint the pots with a base of white acrylic craft paint (gloss) let dry. Then dry-brush black acrylic craft paint (gloss) over top, letting the white show through. Let dry again. Then here comes the fun part..... dip your hand in red acrylic craft paint (gloss) and make bloody hand prints over the pot. Don't forget to make a few bloody drips along the rim of the pot.
See how easy that was? The best part....it really freaks out the neighbors if you do this outside!